A Simple Shift of Perspective: Pleiadian Tarot for week of July 19

Knight of Swords — King of Swords — Ace of Pentacles (reversed)

Summary: Fast-paced though your desire to see thing change may be, you have got to learn the art of getting a grip in the centrifuge of total change. Stay focused and know you are following the right track, and find the truth of your being with the simple shift in perspective from looking at things happen to observing how things become. As you do, you can issue forth the light of human genius to approach the point of getting the golden point of unitary awareness. Heaven has treasure in store, human, if you but reach beyond the limits of mental thought with the concordance of the intellect of divine understanding.

Foundation: Knight of Swords

You want to run fast to take down the oppositional forces standing in your way. You want to get past the dull waiting that has kept you at the starting line of a race against your own time-bound creative urges. Basically, you want to break free and go forward into the future that gleams bright and shining in promise, honor, and truth. But if you go headlong into that space in front of you without the temperament of nobility yourself, you may find yourself careening into a vortex of chaotic turbulence, and that will take you the long way toward what is, in fact, just steps ahead. What you need right now is to focus on the thought patterns that are taking you into this inescapable drive. Your way forward is going to have less of a corkscrew feel to it if you can associate this need with the want that your heart is exploding with.

Lodestone: King of Swords

Within the depths of your being, you are undergoing a fundamental transformation akin to total metamorphosis. The ripening of your senses, the maturation of your wisdom and the serenity that comes with it are giving you a new perspective on your own mind’s inner workings. You have come to a point in your path of opening up to that which has been waiting to emerge, to become the master of your will and your righteousness. In stolid sentience you observe your mind, training wheels off and gauntlet thrown in challenge to the art of becoming. What have you achieved in the remembering of selfhood? Nothing less that that which you can hold in your mind. See with the eyes of matured spirit, and the whole of reality that lay before you will accord itself to your sentient eye.

Most OMward Direction: Ace of Pentacles (reversed)

Heaven is ready to respond to the fertile fields of human consciousness coming into the full awareness of its ability to support the kind of life code that gives time the foothold it needs to regenerate in the matrix-space of the planet. Readiness and anticipation have brought the tessellations of new means for life to take root. Just above the finite space of unitary planetary awareness is the golden light of totally illumined consciousness. Keep reaching together, and the edge of infinity can be breached. The treasures of heaven are poised and ready for you to find them. The heart is the key you carry as one.

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About Maryann Rada and Pleiadian Tarot: Transmitting through the lens of Nine, from the Pleiadians of the League of Light and the family of channeled communications that makes up the core of the site Opalescent Nine, comes this week’s insight. New insights for the world and for individuals are posted here every week, so be sure to check back regularly to see the next step in collective evolution that the Pleaidians have clues for. For those who don’t yet know my work, I’ve been posting transmissions for the last decade from the League of Light, and am currently preparing my fifth book for publication. These tarot-themed insights are the latest iteration of their service to awakening humanity. For more insights, visit the links at the Nine’s Path website, and stay connected to this vital, vibrant, and very personable line of sentience.


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